Get 6 Months Free Creator Tier

Sign up to redeem your code and start using Session Studio today

Upload automatically to SoundCloud

Release directly to SoundCloud, with your metadata attached, through desktop and web.

Manage & share audio files with 500GB of storage

Gain access to 500GB of secure storage space for your audio files and song projects, giving you peace of mind that your files and tracks are safe.

Collaborate on songs, lyrics & audio with creators across the world

Search for people you know on Session Studio by username or email to invite them to collaborate on a project where you can share ideas and audio, and write lyrics together in real time using the Lyrics feature in your project.

Agree splits & capture credits for your tracks

Verify your society identifiers using Session Studio so they're attached to all your releases, and suggest & agree on splits a project.

Try Session Studio Creator Tier for 6 months free today

Available on web, desktop & mobile