Are you a Musician?

Sign-up to Session Studio - It’s free and you can;

  • Create and collaborate with audio and lyrics 

  • Securely store and share ideas and recordings 

  • Safeguard your song credits


ABBA, Founder of Session

"Session Studio’s a great tool for music creators to gather, store and share of all your songs and their information, so you get the credit you deserve."

Why artists use Session Studio

Image of mobile phone and laptop displaying the Session Studio app on their screens
  • Session Studio is the only app dedicated to helping musicians manage their music creations, from idea to release. 

  • Create and collaborate on the move or at home with voice memos, audio uploads and lyrics, which you can edit in real-time.

  • Securely store and share all your ideas, recordings and song credits in one easy place

Available as a desktop, web and mobile app. 100% free.

Try Session Studio free today

Available on web, desktop & mobile